USD 299, Building Bricks for Cooperative Learning and STEM Development
USD 299, Building Bricks for Cooperative Learning and STEM Development
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, $2,704, Awarded 10/23/2019
Project Summary: To purchase building bricks (aka “Legos”) to promote cooperative learning in group settings, both education and therapeutic.
Use of Funds: Purchase of Lego Robotics and Lego building blocks
Impact & Results: The Legos were purchased and utilized during 8th Grade Character Education classes. Groups were assigned a task like “design an island” along with a problem to overcome. Each member of the group had a “job” and could only complete that job. One was an engineer (designer), one was a supplier (the only student allowed at the Lego pile), and a builder (built the design with direction from the engineer). The students seemed to enjoy a different approach to cooperative learning. The Lego Robotics were used during the STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) exploration class. We were not able to build a competitive robot or watch a competition due to the pandemic and consequent closure of the school buildings. SLUJH looks forward to implementing this in the future