Hunter Economic Development Corp.
The only way to get community events and news out to the City of Hunter and tourists driving through was a single blackboard by the community center that could only be seen if you were already in Hunter and from one direction. The Hunter Economic Development Corporation wanted to change that. "Our goal is to highlight our community café and the many hunting operations in the area that bring outside business to the community," said grantee Steven Schneider. With the support from a Post Rock Community Foundation grant, the development corporation was able to purchase a community sign and hardware for this project. The new sign is located at the corner of Highway 181, 1st Street and Main Street for maximum visibility.
"The community sign has become a focal point of Main Street Hunter, Kansas. We have had many comments on how well the sign is positioned for everyone to read from four different directions," said Schneider. “The sign allowed us to reach and be a small part of the lives of everyone in town and the outside communities.”